Risk Analysis Workshop: Ensuring Safety in Plant Construction
Enhancing the safety and efficiency of plant construction
The Plant construction project is moving ahead apace. The earthworks currently underway will soon give way to civil engineering works, for which the company in charge is already deployed on the DASA site.
Following validation of the process layout, the Engineering Department has already delivered the bulk of the manufacturing drawings to the factories, and produced the functional assembly drawings.
These plans, which define the layout of equipment and components in the plant’s various workshops, are an important step in ensuring the safety of operations and the success of production programs. For these reasons, the Project decided to hold a review workshop to examine, criticize and amend all the functional diagrams and their dimensioning.
This exercise, which took place over 4 days – from January 13 to 16 – at SOMIDA headquarters, brought together :
- Project management,
- Project managers, responsible for purchasing & logistics, planning, construction management, quality control and costs;
- Engineering office
- Operational staff from the DASA site
- Experienced Niger experts from outside the project
- Executives from the Ministry of Mines.
The 35 participants unabashedly reviewed the plant’s functional diagrams and suggested corrections to anything they felt posed a risk to the safety and performance of future operations.