Dasa Project – successful visit by Niger’s Mines Minister

Dasa Project – successful visit by Niger’s Mines Minister

A Benchmark for Niger’s Mining Future

On May 3, 2024, SOMIDA had the honour of hosting Niger’s Mines Minister, Commissaire Colonel Ousmane Abarchi, along with the Governor of the Agadez Region, local dignitaries, community authorities, and Dasa employees, at the Dasa Project site. The visit was part of the Minister’s tour of significant exploration and mining projects in the Agadez Region of northern Niger.

Key highlights of the visit included:

  • a tour of underground development now exceeding 1,235 meters, with 5 levels of development underway to access the orebody and prepare stopes for mining 
  • a review of the mine design and current 23-year mine plan 
  • the official ceremony to commence earthworks in preparation for plant construction 
  • a review of the plant design and timelines for plant commissioning at the end of 2025 
  • a review of ESG activities and community engagement undertaken since 2008 in the region  
  • the camp expansion area built to accommodate the planned increase from 450 to 900 employees and contractors

At the conclusion of the visit, Minister Abarchi affirmed his commitment to the Dasa Project, stating: “We came here, we visited the mine, and we launched the earth breaking operations for the mill construction. Dasa is a reality everyone can see. We thank you all. We are supportive of the SOMIDA team and Global Atomic. This project is very important for us; as a government and as a shareholder. We want Dasa to be the start of new Niger mining practice with expectations on State Income, Employment, and Environment management.”

With strong government support, Dasa Project is poised to become a benchmark for future mining endeavors in the Republic of Niger.